Do you have a story to tell?

Have you been itching to write a story for a magazine? It’s time to get your laptop out and start typing. In order to connect better with you, our creative community and the wider world, we want to hear from YOU!

We’re looking for emerging writers/journalists with captivating stories!

Do you have a story about the fashion world?

Did you work/attend/volunteer at fashion week?

Do you know a designer with an amazing story?

What’s the day in the life of a writer?

What are your favourite designs from the last century?

How do you think diversity in media has changed over time?

Have you ever interned in overseas? What are the take aways?

Quality or quantity?

We look forward to hearing your stories and potentially sharing them in our July Issue!

Email us now with your unique story following the guidelines in our ‘Submissions’ tab. We’re always open to new contributions and will be be announcing future opportunities regularly!

Make sure to sign up to our database and newsletters to hear about new exciting opportunities and magazine opportunities




Are You An Emerging Designer?