Issue 2 Submissions are open!

Scouted Magazine Issue 2: Threads Through Time

Scouted Magazine is thrilled to announce our exhilarating open call for Issue 2: Threads through Time. We're embarking on a journey that will fuse the allure of history with the dynamism of contemporary fashion and imagery

Transport us back in time or pull the past into the present through your own creative perspective. Whether you draw inspiration from historical moments, traditional cultural clothing, vintage photography styles, memories close to your heart, or iconic fashion shows. It could even be a contemporary recreation of an old photo

We would love to see diversity, individuals of all genders, shapes and ethnic backgrounds. We want to see rich cultural history, real stories and innovative interpretations of our theme

We want you to breathe life into our next issue!

What We're Looking For:

  1. Visual storytelling: We want to visually immerse in a story told through images. Submerge us in your unique perspective on fashion and beauty, blending the essence of yesterday and today. Draw from diverse influences and styles to create something unique and special to you and/or your team

  2. Writers and Storytellers: We're seeking enchanting narratives that revolve around fashion memories, historical inspirations, and cultural connections. Delve into the profound impact of fashion and beauty on personal and collective stories.

  3. Fashion Designers and Brands*: We invite you to send in your innovative designs that bridge the gap between the past and present. We would love to see brands that reinvent old styles into contemporary clothing. If your brand has been around for a while, we’d love to share the evolution of your designs over time!

*Please email directly for brand features

Submissions here


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