Print Magazine Submission Terms and Conditions

Welcome to Scouted Magazine! We're thrilled that you're interested in submitting your work for potential publication. To ensure a smooth process, kindly review and understand the following terms and conditions. By submitting your content, you agree to abide by these terms:

  1. Submission Content:

    • Submissions must be exclusive to Scouted Magazine and should not have been previously published anywhere, whether digitally or in print.

    • Your submitted content must not infringe upon any copyright, trademark, intellectual property rights, or violate any laws. Plagiarism will result in immediate disqualification.

  2. Submission Categories:

    • Scouted Magazine accepts submissions across various categories as outlined in our submission guidelines. Please ensure your submission aligns with the appropriate category.

  3. Rights and Exclusivity:

    • By submitting your content, you grant Scouted Magazine exclusive rights to publish, reproduce, distribute, and display your work digitally and in print.

    • You retain the copyright to your work, allowing you to republish it elsewhere after it has appeared in Scouted Magazine.

    • Scouted Magazine reserves the right to use your content for promotional purposes, including but not limited to marketing materials and social media posts.

  4. Editing:

    • The editorial team at Scouted Magazine reserves the right to edit your submission for clarity, style, grammar, and formatting while preserving the essence of your original work.

    • Significant edits will be shared with you for approval prior to publication.

  5. Selection and Notification:

    • Submission does not guarantee publication. Our editorial team will carefully review all submissions and select those that align with the magazine's style and theme.

    • If your submission is accepted, you will be directly contacted using the email address provided during submission.

  6. Digital Tear Sheets:

    • Upon publication, successful contributors will receive digital tear sheets showcasing their work as it appears in Scouted Magazine.

  7. Physical Copy and Compensation:

    • Contributors will not receive physical copies of the magazine.

    • Compensation, if applicable, will be specified in the submission guidelines and communicated to selected contributors.

  8. Withdrawal:

  9. Confidentiality:

    • Your personal information will be handled in accordance with our privacy policy. Your name and a brief author's bio may accompany your published work.

  10. Indemnification:

    • You agree to indemnify and hold Scouted Magazine, its staff, and affiliates harmless from any claims, liabilities, or expenses arising from your breach of these terms or the publication of your content.

  11. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution:

    • These terms are governed by the laws of Australia. Both parties consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Australia for any disputes.

  12. Amendments to Terms:

    • Scouted Magazine reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions. Any changes will be communicated to submitters.

Thank you for considering Scouted Magazine for your submission. We are eager to review your creative work and potentially showcase it to our readers. For any inquiries or clarifications about these terms and conditions, please feel free to reach out to us at